Lost Distillerys

トップ > Lost Distillery > Lowlands Lothian > Lasswade


There's a town called Lasswade about 7 miles to the southeast from Edinburgh. Lasswade distillery used to stand by the river of North Esk that runs in the north side of this town. Nothing particular is known about the start and close down but James Gordon & Co. ran the place in 1825. After that the owner changed several times. The place was once used for paper mill but it was soon closed.
The other name is St. Ann's.
エディンバラから7マイルほど南東にLasswadeという町がある。ラスウェイド蒸留所はこの町の北側を流れるNorth Esk川の河畔にあった。設立や閉鎖は不明だが1825年James Gordon & Co.が操業。その後いく度か経営が変わり製紙工場となったが取り壊された。別称St.Ann's

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