Lost Distillery

トップ > Lost Distillery > Highlands North > Sibster


Thurso is a town in the very North of Scotland, the main place for sightseeing of Caithness. There were many distilleries by the river Thurso that runs through this town. Sibstar distillery stood in Halkirk village about 7 miles to the south from the town. Alexander Campbell & Co. ran the place through 1825-30. Nothing particular is known about the start and closing. We don't know about the structure now but there's a farmhouse that remains its name.
ケイスネスの観光の拠点ともいえるスコットランド北端の町サルソ。この町を流れるサルソ川沿いにはかつて多くの蒸留所があった。シブスター蒸留所は町から7マイルほど南のホールカルク村にあった。1825-30年Alexander Campbell&Co.が操業。創業や閉鎖など詳細不明。当時の建物は不明だが農家としてその名を今に伝えている。

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