Lost Distillery
ArdenistileArdmore (Lagavulin2)
Bridgend & Killarrow
Malt Mill
Port Ellen
Upper Cragabus
Lossit distillery stands in Lossit Farm by A846, about a mile away to the east by from a village called Ballygrant. D McNicoll & Co built it in 1821 on the site where Walter Frederick Campbell owned. It was the longest running distillery among the Farmer distilleries, the distilleries operated in the 19th century on Islay. It was closed in 1860. The warehouse was used by Caol Ila of Bulloch Lade & Co. to keep their bottles till 1867. The old picture was taken in the 1950s; the small window in the top flour is attractive. This structure is still used as a house. In 2004, the flour, once used as malt barn, was taken out when they constructed electrical wiring. These smoky malt fragrant woods are neatly kept for us to resemble those days. I'd like to give my biggest thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Donald James MacPhee who gave us a fabulous valuable wood and guided us around in spite of my sudden visit.
I'd like to thank for the chance I had to meet Donald and Isabel. (May/2008)
I'd like to thank for the chance I had to meet Donald and Isabel. (May/2008)
Lossit蒸留所はA846沿いのBallygrantの集落から東へ1マイルほど入ったLossit Farmにある。1821年Walter Frederick Campbell所有の地に D McNicoll & Coが創設。19世紀アイラ島で稼働していたFarmer Distilleriesでは最も長く稼働していた。1860年頃閉鎖。その後ウェアハウスをBulloch Lade & Co.のCaol Ilaが熟成庫として1867年頃まで使用。古い画像は1950年代に撮影されたもので、二階の小窓が特徴的。この建物は現在も住宅として使用している。2004年、電気配線工事をした際モルトバーンだった床を剥ぎ取った。この木材は保存されスモーキーなモルトの香りが当時を彷彿させる。突然の取材にも拘らず親切に案内をしてくれ、また貴重な木材をプレゼントしてくれたDonald James MacPheeご夫妻に感謝の意を表したい。
Donald and Isabelとの再会に感謝したい。(May/2008)
Donald and Isabelとの再会に感謝したい。(May/2008)