Driving down to the south on A7 from Hawick, a biggest town in Borders district, there's a town called Langholm. Langholm distillery stood near Skipper's Bridge in the south of the town. It's one of the oldest distillery in Scotland and it was established in 1765. The owner changed several times and it was closed in 1917. The main buildings were torn down but part of them still remains and used as garage and houses. I'd like to thank Mr. Arthur Tolson for providing me photos on occasion of my visit.
After that the garage was closed but the structure still remains. I'd like to thank for the chance I had to meet Arthur. (May/2008)
After that the garage was closed but the structure still remains. I'd like to thank for the chance I had to meet Arthur. (May/2008)
Borders地方最大の町HawickからA7を南下するとLangholmという町がある。ラングホウム蒸留所は町の南Skipper's Bridge近くにある。スコットランドで最も古い蒸留所の一つで1765年に設立。その後いく度か経営が変わり1917年閉鎖。主な建物は取り壊されたが一部はガレージや住宅として残っている。取材の際、写真の提供など大変お世話になったMr.Arthur Tolsonに感謝の意を表したい。