Lost Distillery

トップ > Lost Distillery > Highlands Central > Auchnagie


The distillery is at Tulliemet Village, about five miles to the north of Pitlochry. It is said that it was first built in 1812. The owner changed few times after that. Perth-based John Dewar and Sons Ltd. was the last owner and in 1912, the distillery was closed. Auchnagie, the name of the distillery, is said to be a word from Gaelic,Achadh na Gaoidhe meaning the wind of the fields. Just like the name, it is surrounded with peaceful hill used for farming. Part of the structures from those days still remains but they are hurt badly. The roof still remains in the picture of Scotch Missed, but in 2002 when I visited this place the roof was gone.
蒸留所はピトロッホリーから5マイルほど南に行ったTulliemet村にある。最初に建てられたのは1812年頃らしい。その後幾度となく経営が変わったが、最終的にはPerth-based John Dewar and Sons Ltd.の手に渡り1912年に閉鎖された。Auchnagieはゲール語のAchadh na Gaoidhe(野の風)からきているらしく、あたりはのどかな丘陵が続く農村地帯。当時の建物は一部残っているが痛みが激しい。Scotch Missedの写真では屋根が残っているが、私が訪れた2002年には既に無くなっていた。
Photo05 -2006
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