Highland Eastern
Highland Kintyre & Campbeltown
Highland Northern
Highland Southern
Highland Speyside
Highland Western
Islands Islay & Jura
Islands Lewis & Harris & Uist
Islands Lunga & Staffa
Islands Mull & Iona
Islands Orkney
Islands Skye

Britain is the United Kingdom formed with four "countries", England, Scotland, Wales, and North Ireland. Scotland is one of them and it's about a size of Hokkaido in Japan. There remains an unchanged nature that gives a slow flowing time and moving heart to all the people who visits.
I'd like to introduce the beauty of the villages found on the hills, fabulous green farmlands and the rich scenery I enjoyed when I visited the distilleries.
Scotland nature will never let your heart go.
Now lets go on a trip with a map in your hand.
英国はイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドの四つの「国」からなる連合王国(The United Kingdom)です。その中の一つのスコットランドは、北海道くらいの大きさで、手つかずの自然が多く残り、そこを訪れる人たちにゆったりとした時の流れと感動を与えてくれます。